Senin, 07 September 2015



On 28 August 2015 PT. Karya Sumber Energy has annual audite D.O.C by representative panama from singapore Capt. NG  Boon toong. Before Starting Annual Audit DOC The Auditor explain ISM Code from 1 - 16 and describe each part of ISM Code. The begin audit  PT. Karya Sumber Energy at 03.00 PM.

Explain ISM Code From Auditor Panama Capt. NG Boon Toong :

1. GENERAL 1.1 Definitions1.1.1 "Audit" means a process of systematic and independent verification, through the collection of objective evidence, to determine whether the SMS complies with the requirements of the ISM Code and whether the SMS is implemented effectively to achieve the Code’s objectives.1.1.2 "Auditor" means a person who is qualified and authorised to carry out ISM audits in accordance with the requirements of PR10. 1.1.3 "Lead auditor" means an auditor who is authorised to lead a team of two or more auditors.1.1.4 "Branch Office" means an office that is part of the Company, is under the Company’s control and is subject to the same Safety Management System (SMS). 1.1.5 "Observation" means a statement of fact made during a safety management audit and substantiated by objective evidence. It may also be a statement made by the auditor referring to a weakness or potential deficiency in the SMS which, if not corrected, may lead to a nonconformity in the future. 1.1.6 “Safety Management Manual" is the documentation used to describe and implement the Safety Management System (SMS).1.1.7 "Technical deficiency" means a defect in, or failure in the operation of, a part of the ship’s structure or its machinery, equipment or fittings. 1.1.8 “Non-conformity” means an observed situation where objective evidence indicates the non-fulfilment of a specified requirement. 1.1.9 “Major non-conformity” means an identifiable deviation that poses a serious threat to the safety of personnel or the ship or a serious risk to the environment that requires immediate corrective action or the lack of effective and systematic implementation of a requirement of the ISM Code.  

All questions from auditor can answered by team PT. karya sumber energy with good value and very good result annual audit DOC On this Years.

Bravo PT. Karya Sumber Energy !!!

Senin, 10 Agustus 2015


Good day,

Thank's for reading my blog, for this season we will explain  ''A guide for seaferer and Managers on how to make best use of opportunities for practical training and assessment of competence on board ship''.


Remark Picture : Trainer explain  policy company PT. Karya Sumber Energy to all cadet standbye pip semarang on saturday, 8 August 2015

it's difficult to over stress the importance of training for seaferers.

The best training is that done nearest the actual work, if not actually on the job. Sculptors and bricklayers, carpenters and wood carvers practice endlessly for years. To learn effectively one should be as near the real experience as is it possible to get.

This is why on board training is so important in shipping. It does not replace classroom learning. But it adds spice and refreshment to theory, is easier to understand and therefore more memorable. it must be integrated with classroom training not replace but to enhance it.

The best teachers are experienced practitioners. throughout history, people have learned from their parents and from theirs elders work. the relationship of master and apprentice. still a feature of many crafts, is as time. especially  at sea, where the skills of seamanship and navigation, the tricks of the trade. the disciplined example have been passes from man to man.

However, on board training is not accidental. It has to be formalized to be most effective and it must use all the tools that man has devised for effective and it must use all the tools that man has devised for effective communication, example model, diagram, cartoons, videos, distance learning program , computers, audio visual pack, cassettes, flip charts. And even good old black board and chalk.


Remark Picture : Blue clothes or trainer is Capt. Wawan Gunawan  explain  ISM Code to crew standbye PT. Karya Sumber Energy on Thursday, 4 August 2015

The descriptions which follow are summaries of some of the major points in the International Safety Management (ISM) Code and the revised standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Convention, which affect shipboard training and assessment. those wider responsibilities for implementing training certification programmes refer to the full IMO texts and to the national legislation which transforms them in to national law.

    ''.. each ship is manned with qualified, certificated, and medically fit seafarers in accordance with national and international requiremment.
    '' the company should establish and maintain procedures for identifying training which may be required in support of the Safety Management System (SMS) and ensure that such training is provided for all personnel concerned.

International Safety Managemnt  Code (ISM CODE)

Part A - Implementation

1. General

    Functional requirement for a safety management system

2. Safety and enviromental protection policy

3. Company responsibilities and authority

4. Designed Person

5. Master's responsibility and authority

6. Resources and personnel

7. Shipboard Operation

8. Emergency preparedness

9. Report and analysis of non conformities. accident and hazardous occurrences

10. Mantenance of the ship equipment

11. Documentation

12. Company verification, review and evaluation

Part B - Certification and Verification

13. Certification and Periodical verification

14. Interim certification

15. Verification.

16. Forms of certificate.

Thanks for read

To be continued...

Mohamad Ali Yusro

Personnel Department PT. Karya Sumber Energy

Adress : JL. Kalibesar Barat No. 37 Jakarta Barat

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Mobile Phone : +62 821 5646 7733